Kim is a korean girl travelling for one year by America. She uses this page to search information, it's like the google for South Korea. She makes drawings and this is her blog. As we almost don't understand talking in english (different accents, and both not very good pronunciations) I'm going to interview her writing. I'll write the questions and she, in the same keyboard of the same computer, sitting next to me, will write her answers.

So, what are your favourite places of America?
Kim: Canoa, in Ecuador, the reason why I like this small town is, it makes me feel the SURF.
Me: What's feel the surf?
Kim: ummmm. in the pacific ocean, the surf is very strong...I mean waves, and .. it so , how can I say, can make me watch and listen to the SEA like first time. Is that enough answer?
Me: Yes, thanks. And you studied filmmaking and in Buenos Aires there are a lot of korean movie's fans. What's your top five of asian movies?
Kim: ummmmm. First, The memories of murder(JunHo Bong), Palwolui Christmas (1998)
... aka Christmas in August (JinHo Hur)which is my best, Janghwa Hongryun(Jiwoon Kim), sorry I can´t remember all the english title maybe I'll tell you later.
Me: Did you watched or read some film or argentinian novel/book?
Kim: Not actually, I just read "Motorcycle Diaries" and watched "Evita" sorry that's all. but I love the movie "Happy together", which was filmed in Buenos Aires. but you taught me a lot of movies, so I really want to watch thoes films.
Me: And your top five of asian novels?
Kim: Listen to the wind's song,(Murakami Haruki's first novel) amd Sheep chasing(murakami haruki), GO (kaneshiro kazuki), Tae_baek_san_maek(JeongRae Jo), and Coin Locker Babies (my best in his books)Murakami Ryu, that he is more famous in Japan than Murakami Haruki.
Me: How was until now your itinerary?
NRT_airport in Tokyo
LAX_airport in Los Angeles
JFK _airport in New York_7 days
LIMA _4 days
CUZCO(P)_4 days
Ollantaytambo(P)_1 day
Matsu pitsu(P)_ 1 day
PUNO(P)_ 2 days
Lake Titikaka(P)
Amantany island(P)
Tranquill island(P)
TACNA(P) : cross boder by train _ 1 day
ARICA (CH) _ get to love being in beach_2 days
LIMA:miarofloes(P) _sleepless night_ 1 day
Trujillo(P) _ night bus
Tumbes(P) _ night bus
Machala(E) _ ninght bus
Quito(E) - Ryn, saw Curious case of Benjamin Button twice, which makes me feel and deeply cried _ 4 days
IBARRA(E) _ 1 day
SAN RORRENZO(E) - premera ves _ 1 day
SUA(E) - scream of children, which I hated_ 1 day
CANOA(E) - wave , which I wanted to stay more, but lack of cash_ 1day
MANTA(E) - petty robbery _ 1day
MONTANITA(E) _ 1 day
GUAYAQUIL(E) _ 1 day
CUENCA(E) - Neil _ 3 days what is essential is invisible to the eyes.
AMBATO(E) _ toro ball _ 2 days
Tena(E) _ waterfall and butterfly_2 days
quito(E)_ couldn't see basilica, met lady in embassy, who suggest me just to keep going. _ 1 day
tulcan(E)_ sleeping in the border line, in a police car(patroll?) _ 1 day
Ipiales(Col)_ take a bus to popayan, made first bargain when negotiated bus fare, met senora maria, another rich lady, who bought me big lunch, a guy who gave me various coins of colombia for just a souvnier, a guy wanting to practice English.
popayan(Col) _ wanted to talk with little bit more, but couldn't hold it, which makes me little bit uncomfortable. do I need to do? or just let it go. _ 1 day
cali(Col)_ zoo, slumdog millionare, judo class, depressed me so much because of me using such an awaful japaness, _ 1 day? can't force to get it, so uncomfortable to be outgoing.
Me: And which are the first five words that appears to you when you think in Latin America?
Kim: I wanna be with you.
Me (smoking my last cigarette): Me too I wanna be with you.
... And with Argentina? Five words?
Kim: Be realist, but dream impossible. (NO thanks, HA HA Ha)
Me: Well, another misunderstanding, different accents in our imperfect english. But, we in Buenos Aires believe a lot in psicoanalisis, like the hole Sigmund Freud's stuff, so I want to believe that maybe it's was your inconscient talking.
Kim: yah.. right. Maybe I didnt want to make myself understood.. Quizas?
Me: Like the song of the In the mood of love's soundtrack says, quizás, quizás, quizás... well, last question, going back to cinema: why is a kidnapping and revenge in so many korean movies?
Kim I´m not sure, but in korea actually kidnapping is very unusaul, which means our country is quite safe place to live, so that´s why we are so afraid of kidnapping, maybe it´s because of our strong relationship inside family, I´m not sure, before you talked to me, I didn´t notice that, thanks for making me think.
Me: Thanks very much to you, Kim. Please to meet you. And I hope that we can share another moments (talking or whatever) in another city.
kim: Thank you for sharing coffee, amd inviting to nice party. And lots of lists of books and movies as well. Have a nice amd safe trip.
Me: Well, you too. But not too safe. I really want to be kidnapped by a korean girl like you.